Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand
Cristo de la Concordia (Monumento, Cochabamba Bolivia
Croatia-Lika Senj- Sunsrise-Europe
Croatia-Lika Senj- Tornado Sky-Europe
Cromwell Long Tress
Daly"s Wharf in Akaroa
Dancing amongst the wind
Darkness and light
Deep Blue
Deep Ocean
Dunedin Botanic Garden, Dunedin New Zealand
Dunedin South Island, New Zealand
Dusk at Akaroa Daly"s Wharf
Dusk in CollingWood's Beach
Dusk on the foothills of Arthur's Pass mountain, New Zealand
Early morning fog covering the peaks of lake Wakatipu, Queenstown
Early morning in Queenstown Bay
EasyUni Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
El Angel Oruro, Bolivia